© 2024 Vertical Vertical.

At Vertical Vertical, we’ve always been passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and finding innovative solutions for real-world problems. We’re thrilled to announce that our cutting-edge Virtual Reality (VR) software was recently featured on BBC News! This software is changing lives by helping individuals like Andi Dawson overcome debilitating fears.

The Impact of Virtual Reality:

The power of VR isn’t just about creating new worlds; it’s about reshaping our current reality. Andi Dawson, who suffers from an extreme fear of heights, had his life transformed by our VR solution. His fear was so severe that plane travel to visit family became an impossibility. Instead, he’d embark on a grueling 10-hour train journey from East Ayrshire to Torquay.

Thanks to our collaboration with KSRHT, Andi is now using VR as a tool in his cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) sessions. By simulating real-world scenarios, the VR software helps individuals confront and manage their anxieties in a controlled environment.

Support and Recognition:

This revolutionary approach has garnered support from the NHS, with the charity receiving an NHS Charities Trust grant of £20,000 for headsets and built-in scenarios. The potential of this initiative is vast, and a successful pilot could pave the way for a broader implementation.

CBT therapist Laura Yetton, who is guiding Andi through this journey, expressed the transformative power of the tool: “By putting Andi into that situation in a controlled environment, it’s proving to him and teaching him that he can cope in that environment.”

Our Vision for the Future:

Our team at Vertical Vertical is deeply honoured to play a role in such transformative experiences. We’re committed to refining our VR solutions and expanding its applications to serve even more individuals in need. As Andi expressed, “I’d like it to no longer be impacting my life or my family’s lives.”

Watch the Full Story:

Get an in-depth look at Andi’s experience and the groundbreaking VR therapy by watching the video feature from BBC News below:

For a comprehensive overview, you can also read the full article on the BBC News website.

Our Studio believe in the potential of technology to create lasting, positive change. We’re excited to be at the forefront of this tech revolution and are eager to explore even more ways to make a difference. Stay tuned for more updates on our projects and initiatives!

Revolutionising Processes Through AI at Vertical Vertical: More than Innovation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) transcends being a mere buzzword; it has become the lifeblood of ingenuity and transformation at Vertical Vertical. Over the span of nine years, a journey that also includes our time as Project8ball, we have stood at the forefront of technological advancement.

The Cutting Edge of Technology

We’ve consistently embraced best-in-class tech tools, amplifying the impact and efficiency of our projects. Our legacy is rooted in exploration, innovation, and relentless pursuit of excellence.

A Symphony of Tools

We’ve embarked on an exciting journey, employing a rich array of AI tools and software ranging from chatGPT to Runway, Midjourney to Bard, and Stable Diffusion to Adobe and Unity. Every day in our studio is a tapestry of creativity, where we meld art with dynamic technology.

Beyond Automation: AI’s Unique Advantages

What sets our studio apart is our advanced utilisation of AI. Beyond automation, we’ve leveraged AI’s striking data points and speed of operation to redefine our approach to creativity and innovation. It’s not just about making things faster; it’s about transforming how we think, create, and break barriers.

Our New Website: A Showcase of Progress

Our recently redesigned website stands as a monument to how AI has launched our studio into the future. More than a visual delight, it’s a dynamic platform that manifests our technological finesse. It’s not just a step but a quantum leap into a new epoch.

A Tradition of Alignment with Innovation

Our passion for AI and emerging technology, a flame that has burned for over eight years, is in perfect harmony with our core values. The journey has been extraordinary, with AI and software upgrades exemplifying our zeal. We foresee a continued positive trajectory.

Leading the Future of AI at Vertical Vertical

In our world, the only constant is change. As we continue to explore, blend, and innovate with various technologies, our commitment to AI keeps us ahead of the curve. We’re not just matching industry standards; we’re sculpting them.

Conclusion: A New Era of Creativity

The AI-driven future is here, and it’s reshaping how we operate, think, and craft excellence. At Vertical Vertical, AI is more than a tool; it’s a guiding philosophy, an unceasing drive towards perfection.

Join us as we invite you to explore the cutting-edge techniques and AI-powered features on our website. Witness the breathtaking transformation that AI has ushered into our studio. The future is not just on the horizon; it’s already here, and it promises to be more thrilling than ever before.

Interactive Packaging

The number of Augmented Reality (AR) mobile users, worldwide, is projected to hit 2.4 billion in 2023;

AR tops the list of tech that makes users view a brand as innovative.

All this is to say that AR isn’t a passing fad. It’s a growing trend. And for brands of all shapes and sizes, it’s an exciting opportunity to engage your customers, elevate your brand, and captivate a new audience – and all without reimagining how you package and sell your product!

In this post, we share the benefits of AR storytelling within Interactive Packaging for brands. But first…

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented Reality mixes the real and virtual worlds, putting immersive, interactive experiences into the hands of smartphone and tablet users. Using clever code and cutting-edge video, 3D Modelling & animation. AR brings brands to life by simply scanning an image, label, QR code, or open space.

XL companies, such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, and Jameson have already used AR to great effect.

What are the benefits of AR storytelling on packaging?

Using Augmented Reality within packaging is a smart way to stand out from the crowd and engage with your audience. By inviting your customers to scan a code or label on your product, then using that product as the deployable canvas – they’re spending even more time interacting with your brand. And apart from that point, the opportunities are almost endless

You could give customers access to an AR game with a scoreboard and prizes, further strengthening brand loyalty;

You could give them a discount code, encouraging further sales;

You could capture data and push them further down the marketing funnel;

You could prompt them to share the experience on social media, widening your audience via word-of-mouth, viral marketing.

The other clear advantage of investing in AR for brand packaging is the cost. There’s no need to redesign or alter your existing packaging. The focus is squarely on integrating this layer of digital content into existing brand real estate, be that in the form of labels, packaging and boxing. This means you can have something live relatively quickly — perhaps in time for a summer promotion or tie-in with a film, TV, or sporting event.

Remember: With AR storytelling in packaging, your customers aren’t just buying your product – they’re buying an experience. These experiences don’t always have to be sales or marketing orientated. They could simply add value to your customer’s day-to-day. For example, pharma brands could link to an AR video explaining how to use their product or covering potential side effects. Food manufacturers, meanwhile, could share recipes, educate on Kcal or serving suggestions in a fun and compelling way.

How does Interactive Storytelling work?

Markerless AR content doesn’t require real-world print to unlock media – a user simply points their device’s camera at an open space or flat plane to deploy the chosen AR experiences.

However, AR for brand packaging requires a trackable image (a “marker”) to unlock each digital experience. These triggers can be engineered to be almost any desired graphic, image, or item, such as your existing label, logo or product. 

Here’s an example of Marker-Based AR:

Our studios process for creating interactive storytelling:

Our process for creating eye-catching AR storytelling for brands encompasses several steps, starting with a detailed creative brief, and ending with a comprehensive promotion plan.

Let’s take a look at each step in a little more detail:

1. The Brief

First, we get to know your brand and your audience via a creative briefing exercise.

This helps us to better understand how you intend to use your product & packaging with AR to engage your users. Our experience in live Web AR & AR App activations alongside our creative 3D animation ensemble and big project experience ensures your campaign will be aligned with your audience and your goals from day one.

2. Storyboarding Your Idea

Next, we detail your brand’s AR experience via a design-led storyboarding exercise. This helps us to visualise the concept, before exploring different options and adaptations, all while incorporating your brand guidelines and aesthetics.

3. Design

With a brief and storyboard signed off, we hand the reins to our talented 3D modelling department. Experts in the discipline of 3D modelling & gamification for AR, our team ensure your 3D experience looks incredible and works optimally from the moment your customer engages with your activation. 

The beauty of this is that the only limit within any design & creative stage is imagination! 

4. Development

Now for the magic dust. Working within the industry frameworks and standards, we develop the code that makes your bespoke AR experience leap from your user’s screen into the real world.

And our passion for emerging tech, coupled with our expertise in hosting & deployment techniques means your AR content can be enjoyed, maintained, and accessed seamlessly across a range of smart devices both offline & online. 

5. Launch & Promotion

Finally, we launch your AR element and set about promoting it. Our marketing services run the gamut from app store optimisation to digital content, online marketing, and more.

In short, we put your AR packaging experience in front of the right people, at the right time to maximise exposure and ROI.

In Summary

Augmented Reality storytelling is still in its infancy and will only continue to evolve with the devices and technologies that support it. 

It’s exciting. It’s futuristic. And above all else, it’s something you can’t help but share.

Discover the possibilities for your brand with an interactive AR storytelling experience.

Contact the experts in AR…

The Gary McKinnon Story: An NFT Collection

‘A British hacker who successfully fought extradition to the US and prosecution in the UK for breaking into dozens of US Army, Navy, Air Force, and Department of Defense computers, as well as 16 Nasa computers.’

Vertical X Gary McKinnon

As a disruptive tech outfit, our team are always on the lookout for incredible stories & individuals.

Being a creative & technology focused digital operation, Vertical Vertical were very excited when the opportunity arose that allowed us to approach Gary McKinnon about creating an exclusive NFT collection to help tell his remarkable story, further immortalising these items of cultural significance forever onto the blockchain.

Several members of our studio including two lead artists worked closely with Gary and his team to carefully curate and express his vision in the form of the creation of 7 unique artworks, depicting different key scenes from his unique story. 

Crafted and delivered in the form of animated NFT Gif’s, lucky buyers can only secure items from this exclusive collection on the OpenSea Marketplace – view the NFT listing on OpenSea marketplace here.

Ownership benefits for any buyers of the key #00001-#00007 story items also include a highly sought-after, signed ( by Gary McKinnon ) framed real-world print of the static artwork used to create the GIF – this authentic, reclaimable print item is only available to the NFT holders first owner and can only be redeemed by contacting our studio ‘Vertical Vertical’ with proof of the NFT ownership.

The biggest military computer hack of all time! 

It was back in March 2002 when Gary, then a Scottish systems administrator was arrested & accused of perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time”.

Standing accused of Access by hacking into 97 United States military and NASA computers over a 13-month period – SOLO, the online alias used by Gary – was exposed to many interesting documents & materials including that of the alleged existence of an Non-terrestrial Officer programme, as well as off-world visual material including the infamous Not Man Made craft that left Gary with more questions than answers.

While not admitting that it constituted evidence, Gary did however admit leaving a communication on one of the Pentagon computers in the form of a written message: “Your Security is Crap“.

The USA vs Gary McKinnon

In November 2002, Gary McKinnon was indicted by a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia. The indictment contained seven counts of computer-related crime, each of which carried a potential ten-year jail sentence.

Gary remained at liberty without restriction for three years until June 2005 until the UK enacted the proposed Extradition Act 2003, a treaty with the United States wherein the US did not need to provide contestable evidence. If then extradited to the U.S. and charged, Gary would have faced up to 70 years in jail, with expressed fears that he could be sent to Guantanamo Bay.

In August 2009, Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour released a single, “Chicago – Change the World”, on which he sang and played guitar, bass and keyboards, to promote awareness of McKinnon’s plight. A re-titled cover of the Graham Nash song “Chicago”, it featured Chrissie Hynde and Bob Geldof, plus Gary himself.

In October 2012, after a series of legal proceedings in Britain, then Home Secretary Theresa May blocked the extradition of Gary to the United States. In December 2012, the then Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer, announced that Gary would not be prosecuted in the United Kingdom, because of the difficulties involved in bringing a case against him when the evidence was in the United States.

Read the Gary McKinnnon Wired Q&A here: 

Where it all began…

May 2001 heralded a significant broadcast, both for Gary McKinnon and many other curious observers – this came in the form of the video released from the National Press Officers Club in Washington, D.C.

The broadcast boasted over twenty highly decorated military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses discussing the incomprehensible reality that:  UFOs, extra-terrestrial vehicles & life forms and that the resulting advanced Free Energy & propulsion technologies do truly exist – and are being supressed.

In exercising his human instinct to explore evidence in which to support that of his beliefs, was Gary McKinnon ahead of the curve with his curiosity on UFO/UAP Disclosure ? 

We think so.

Should the UFO/UAP subject ( where still mocked by as many as it is misunderstood ) now be considered once again relevant ?

With well-publicised, top level USA government officials recently going on record in acknowledging these strange activities in our seas & skies.

You Decide!

In an era driven by technological innovation, the collaboration between Digital Twin technology and Internet of Things (IoT) is steering businesses towards new, exciting horizons. They are paving the way for robust, interactive, and experiential shopping experiences.

At the heart of this lies Augmented Reality (AR) Product Visualisation, a powerful tool that allows consumers to interact with digital replicas of products within their real-world space. Let’s delve into how this technology is revolutionising the way retailers, businesses, and brands engage with their customers.

AR Visualisation: Tailoring Realism for the Customer Experience

Digital Twin technology, closely tied with IoT, helps create detailed digital replicas of physical products. Combined with AR, it provides customers with the opportunity to examine products in 3D, to scale, from the comfort of their devices.

Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), which necessitates a headset for a wholly computer-generated environment, AR merely superimposes digital information into the real world via smartphones or tablets – which is also highly accessible to the end consumer as the technology is easily deployable on both smartphones & tablets. 

Shopping Virtually with AR

Major retailers like EHC, IKEA, Wayfair, and Amazon have already harnessed this technology to provide a “View In Room” AR option. Whether it’s deciding on the fit, appearance, or cycling through various colours and material options, this AR experience enhances the shopping journey, making decision-making seamless.

Check out the Web AR Activation we engineered for EHC: 

Explore the live DEMO for Apple Devices [Click Here]

Explore the live DEMO for Android Devices [Click Here]

The Limitless Potential of AR

AR product views go far beyond furniture. From artwork and prints to electronics and heating systems, the application of AR is limited only by creativity. From buildings to concept products, the ability to deploy your digital twin in both true scale and scalable formats opens up the possibilities and mediums in which tangible real-world items can be explored from a remote setting. 

Web AR: No Need for a Dedicated App

Contrary to common belief, delivering an AR Visualisation doesn’t necessitate a dedicated app ( where apps have their own unique advantages & features ). Web AR experiences hosted online and accessed via a web browser eliminate the need for app downloads or third-party software. A simple tap on your website’s link and your product’s AR view will come to life.

Digitise Your Product Range with Vertical Vertical 

AR Product Visualisations, empowered by Digital Twin technology and IoT, present a golden opportunity, especially for businesses that rely on in-store experiences. With a touch of Augmented Reality, a customer’s living room or office can become their own personal showroom, enhancing sales and reducing the risk of dissatisfaction.

Our studio specialises in creating branded AR experiences, our digital twin process is impressive, and sophisticated whilst captivating both businesses and consumers. Digitise your product range and put it into your customer’s hands.

A Leap into the Future of NFT & Utility

Welcome to the world of Non-Fungible Turkeys (NFTs), a revolutionary campaign that’s more than just a collection of digital artwork. It’s a step into an exciting future, where art, technology, and community come together in a vibrant symphony.

Our radiant 8,888 Non-Fungible Turkeys are not just hand-drawn illustrations; they are a celebration of creativity.

The results are genuinely AI-based, reflecting the perfect mashup of digital layers and character combinations, leaving you spoilt for choice.

Owning a Non-Fungible Turkey is more than possession of a digital asset; it’s an entry into the most exclusive club on earth. Vertical Vertical is set to expand further into the Metaverse, offering community members opportunities to engage in our hottest new Web 3.0 projects and activations.

From joining exclusive BETA programmes to participating in AR & XR experiences and voting on immersive activations, being a turkey holder means being a part of an ever-expanding universe.

Our focus extends to Gamification, NFT Utility, Smart Contract, and Web 3.0 Applications, all the while exploring the evolving and exciting XR & AR spaces. This campaign is not merely about ownership; it’s about participation, collaboration, and growth.

An exclusive invitation to a dedicated members-only Investment Round is also on the cards, where we might just finance your NFT project. The possibilities are boundless.

With the year 2024 on the horizon, our studio is gearing up to announce further utility, benefits, and perks in our roadmap. The Non-Fungible Turkeys campaign is not a one-time event; it’s the beginning of a thrilling journey into the world of emerging technologies.

After months of hard work, and fine-tuning of our visual artwork, we’re confident that our army of Non-Fungible Turkeys meets the high-quality standards our community deserves.

Join us in this exciting adventure. Own a piece of the future. Be part of a community that’s not just collecting but connecting, creating, and contributing to a brighter digital future.

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